Its strange how God works, He always seems to blow my mind. His revelations far exceeds the understanding of man, indeed He is God and none can compare to Him. I thank God for knowledge and wisdom, He does impart truth and knowledge to those who seek it.
God brought me back to the book of Genesis (the beginning),its kind of weird I always thought this book only referred to the creation story(man, woman, animals etc.) but as always God is all knowing and His knowledge supersedes ours. Genesis begins in the mind, it begins within us.sometimes I believe we all underestimate our power and self worth, do we really know how powerful our thoughts and words are? It was a though/idea in which God created the earth and all the other things,its was a thought that man created planes, skyscrapers, cars , chairs etc. Every idea and no matter how foolish it may seem can be possible, we can make them a reality. In our minds we toy with ideas but we refuse to make these dreams materialize, we doubt our ability to be great things, we doubt even God to do big things in our lives.Genesis means the beginning of something or from where something starts. Everything is possible with Christ, nothing is impossible or too hard unless we refuse to believe.
Sometimes I stop and look at everything around me, how can a person doubt that a creator exist? how can one doubt the power and down play the awesomeness of God? the world testifies to a master mind, someone greater than man.
God wants us to believe, and not to just believe but to believe big. There is no harm in dreaming, it is from these visions and dreams that we create and live our destiny. Our dreams are the blueprint to our future. Speak things into existence, speak positive words.The self-fulfillment prophecy is a dangerous phenomenon. What we think and what we speak can indeed affect our future and how we view ourselves.Don’t toss your dreams out the window,keep believing and striving and watch it come to pass.
Let there be and there was.