Friday, April 10, 2009

Hey y'all!!

Ok so I'm officially on spring break and to be very honest its not so much a break but a time to catch up in my academics...but nonetheless I'm so grateful for the time. I've had some very interesting things happening to me lately. I've drawn closer to the love of my life, I've tripped up a bit but still His love is there to rescue me. So, yea I guess I'm still in love with the higher love!!

So, I just had my alone time with God, and of course my soul is renewed and uplifted. I'm not a perfect person and neither do I try to portray myself to be as such but instead I try to show people that its ok to stumble and mess up but also you must get back up and push again. Oh, happy Easter to all my viewers!! If you're not so sure what this Easter thing is about well I just got one word, well actually two words 'THE CROSS'!!

Ok, I think I'm straying a bit. What I really wanted to talk about today was the worldly distractions. There are so many things out there to draw and keep the attention of people in all the wrong places. I'm so guilty of it too! These social networks are draining my energy. I got an ipod and to be honest I can't go anywhere without it, I also got a cell phone and my mind makes me believe I cant live without it, I'm currently on 5 social networks and to be honest it rules my life not to mention I manage 2 email tell me if these stuff ain't a major distraction???! Boi, the devil knows how to pull the people away from God. I don't totally blame the enemy because I have ALLOWED these things to rule my life I made that choice, and a pretty bad choice it was. But anyway, I always still find time for my Love, so Today I read Jonah 4 and now I'm so baffled by this passage. I think I'm going to have to do some research on this one!!!

So, people don't allow these foolish networks, ipods and cellphones to rule your lives...lets not waste our lives snooping on other peoples profiles, lets stop checking our emails ever 5 minutes cause we sure as hell know nobody ain't emailing us!! But seriously, lets be productive, efficient and steadfast people who got a life and if you don't got one at least try to act like you do!!!

I'm out, gotta go check my facebook!!! (sike)

Geek of Theology

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